Friday, November 2, 2012

Pudding & Vanilla Wafers

Pudding- Vanilla Wafers
1/3 large bag pudding/class
1 box vanilla wafers
1/3 gallon milk

4 plates (wafers)
4 bowls (pudding)
4 metal spoons (pudding)
plates, napkins, cups

1. For AM: Prepare an entire bag of pudding according to directions on the package (even though you will only use a third). Divide into thirds – one for each class, and an extra for a PM class in the fridge.
For PM: use extra from AM, prep only 1/3 bag for the other class. The unused portion of pudding mix in Ziploc back in the pantry and label the date it was open and how much is left (should be 2/3).
2. Spoon into large bowls for each table, cover and put in refrigerator to set up.
3. Open vanilla wafers and separate into bowls for each table.
4. Cover with plastic wrap.

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